Wildfire Preparedness
With the increase in temperatures around the world, due to global warming, it would appear that wildfires could increase in frequency and in size.With the increase in temperatures around the world, due to global warming, it would appear that wildfires could increase in frequency and in size. This is of extra concern for Californians and communities across the American southwest because of the dryer climate and recent droughts that have caused wildfires to become a growing threat. The most disastrous fires in California often happen in the fall. The long, dry summers transform trees and plants into the perfect fuel for fires.

The task of wildfire prevention has become more difficult because of the increase in incidences of large fires. “Federal efforts have focused on empowering at-risk communities to be able to adapt to fire and become capable of enduring, quickly recovering, and learning from wildfires that might cause long-term negative consequences” (FireAdaptedCommunitiesCoalition).
While Federal efforts to reduce the risk of wildfires are important and encouraging, the problem is much larger than just the fires. The fires are merely a result of a much larger problem, climate change. The warming temperatures play a key role in the increase of Californian wildfires. “Fifteen of the twenty largest fires in California history have occurred since 2000. And since the 1970s, the amount of area burned in the state has increased by a factor of 5.” (NatGeo) As a native Californian, this is a depressing and sobering realization of the scale and battle that we all face. This issue will only continue to exacerbate our fragile and waning ecosystems because of the impending climate crisis. In the past 100 years, “California has increased around 3 degrees Fahrenheit.” (losAngelesTimes) The increase in temperature in California is more than the global average. You might ask yourself, besides helping the environment, what does switching to Solar have anything to do with wildfires?
One word. Power outages.
In November of 2018 the small town of Paradise was hit with one of the most devastating fires in California history. While many communities were still in the process of recovering from the wildfires, they would also have to endure power outages. 62-year-old resident Renate Stepro said “her home of 17 years burned down in the campfire and in 2019, PG&E shut down her power five times in a row; each time she paid to replace nearly everything in her refrigerator. She’s now pondering how to scrape together money for a generator.” (Frontline) This phenomenon was not unique to PG&E. In 2019 “all three of California’s major electric companies have cut power in response to high winds, but out of the 2.6 million customer shutoffs, 2.4 million were PG&E’s.” (Frontline)
Solar is a great alternative to ensure that your household is energy self-sufficient. In the event of a power outage, Soleeva’s battery technology will ensure that you will still be able to power any electric utilities. You can power your house with the Sun and ensure that you and your loved ones have all that you need. Take advantage of our advanced patented technology and own your energy.